Saturday, May 01, 2004

Blogging Life

Sometimes I think I get so busy blogging that I forget to live life. The last week or so, however, I've gotten so busy living life I've neglected my blog.

It just seems to be a time of change. I've joined the church and had a baby. My friend who I have grieved with is happily pregnant again and moving back to California. My Reagan is riding a two-wheeler for the first time today. I can't seem to stop them all from getting bigger and growing up.

I'm desperately in love with my family. Sometimes I wonder if I love being a mom more than other people. Especially when flight attendants express shock at my traveling with three. I'd still like to have more!

I'm still dealing with a bit of post-partum depression. I've noticed lately that I haven't wanted to e-mail or talk to friends on the phone. It's my tendancy to isolate myself, and I didn't even realize I was doing it. So, to aid my brain chemistry and hopefully lose 25 pounds by the end of Summer, I'm changing my lifestyle. I'm working out, eating healthier and trying to reach out. I don't like post-partum depression. I like life and people!

Then there are other things that have been bothering me. There has been a great discussion of pro-life in politics on Fr. Rob's blog Thrown Back, and it has frustrated me deeply that people don't understand this issue or it's impact on our culture. I'm so excited that his church is in Kalamazoo! My sister is moving there and when I visit I'll have to go meet him.

There was something else I wanted to blog about but I've forgotten what it was. Premature senility strikes again!

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