Tuesday, August 30, 2005


I was told by a friend to please read this blog post, today. I think it's probably the most well-written commentary on the issues surrounding the Ezzo's from a theological perspective I have read.

It strikes me that Mr. Ezzo deflects question regarding legalism in his program as being from those who have issues with authority. When it is clear from sources like these that it is Mr. Ezzo himself who has issues with authority, and considers himself above the discipline of the church. He has in fact been excommunicated from more than one congregation.

Mr. Ezzo's views are extremist, severe, out of touch with the Grace of Christ, dangerous, and cult-like. The Christian research institute wrote a wonderful article about it here. My issue is not with the many loving and caring parents who have mistakenly believed the charismatic and persuasive Ezzo. My issue is with Ezzo himself who continues to spread his parenting views to the detriment of children all over the world.

Please, if you have read Babywise, or are considering following Ezzo's teachings. Check out Ezzo.info.

Spare yourself some heartache!

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