Saturday, October 29, 2005

Piper Loves Dora

Piper loves Dora the Explorer. In fact, everyone in the family has a Dora the Explorer name. I'm Dora, she's Diego, Reagan's Swiper the fox, Bridget is Super Babies, and Daddy is The Grumpy Old Troll. She has such a great imagination!

I bought Piper a Dora book to keep her happy when Dora isn't on. We don't let her watch TV all day, but I like Dora because it's safe, and it keeps her involved. Anyway, her Dora book is about Little Star who's been knocked from the sky by a passing comet. The reader joins Dora on a quest to return Little Star to her rightful place.

At the end of the book Dora makes a wish on Little Star, and invites the reader to also. I can tell that my little one is also a Dragon Tales fan (we have a few videos), because when asked to make her wish, her voice lowers and she says "I wish, I wish, with all my heart, to fly with dragons in a land apart."

It's really cute.

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