Tuesday, August 15, 2006

We're Moving

The Lord is Good.  Praise be to the Lord.

That's really all I can say at this point.  Beyond that, how are words enough?

I have a friend here whom I've known for a couple of years now.  She and her family moved away a number of months ago when her husband got a new job.  She thought at the time that their house would be great for us, but I just didn't think we were in a position to take it at the time.

She called me recently and told me that two deals for the house had fallen through, and she thought that perhaps the Lord had other plans for the house.  She offered us the house as a rent-to-own property.  I told her we'd love it, and tried very hard not to get my hopes up as she wasn't definite if it could work.

But it seems it IS going to work out!  We'll be moving in about a month into a 4 bedroom 2 bathroom house in a great neighborhood.  I'm beyond excited.  I'm already working on getting us financed so that we can purchase it.  I'm eating, sleeping, and breathing this house!!  I'm dreaming about this house.

I didn't know how we were going to get out of this apartment.  I'd been looking at townhouses and such, but nothing seemed to meet all of our needs.  No matter what I had to accept some limitations.  Either location, or yard, or space.  Something had to give.  But not anymore!

And Who could bring all things to bear so that our family and theirs could be served?  Who could plant the seeds and bring them to fruition?  Who could make it all work?  The Almighty Giver, that's who. 

I'm beyond gratitude and into complete humility.  I feel very blessed.

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