Sunday, November 09, 2003

Monday November 10 2003

Well, with the fatigue and the high number of errands necessary today, I'm afraid we didn't do to much with school. But the wonderful experiment continues: The Sea-monkeys live!

Our baby sea-monkeys are swimming happily in both tanks that we started. There does seem to be a higher number of live young in the 12 oz. tank as opposed to the 10 oz. tank. But both were successful. They are currently only slightly larger than a period at the end of a sentence. They wiggle and have visible tails. They are orange in color. And Reagan could look at them for long periods of time. He thinks they're "wicked awesome"

So, we are monitoring their growth and charting it. We're keeping our sea-monkey science journal. Really he's learning about experimentation, observation, the importance of lab animals, and what we can learn through scientific discovery. He's learning about habitat and behavior. I could go on and on. I jus think this is one of the neatest things we could have done. And it's very educational.

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