Thursday, January 01, 2004

January 1, 2004

This morning was pretty much what I had hoped. I did get to see the Rose Parade, but I ended up watching it by myself, as Dominic didn't think anyone else liked it and put on The Return of the King (animated) instead.

I continued to clear out clutter from the closet. It's hard to remember sometimes that throwing out something with sentimental value isn't throwing away the memory itself. I have to LET GO! I actually threw away an article about Aileen Quinn who played Annie 20 years ago. And I felt at peace.

When I was done I had a large cardboard box to get rid of. All three kids played in it all evening. They scooted all over the floor in that thing. Can someone remind me why I buy them toys?

After Piper went down for bed we played Yahtzee. It's a great Math game for Reagan and we always have fun telling the kids that they can be gentler with the dice. I really prefer games and books to TV. And I think the kids will remember that more than what episode of Sponge Bob happened to be on.

This was the kind of day that makes me happy to be a mom. I'm tired, but I really took the time to enjoy my family today. Sometimes I forget. And then I notice how fast it's going. And I don't want them to be ready to leave home without having enjoyed their childhoods.

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