Monday, January 12, 2004

January 12, 2004

What a day! I thought I had everything under control. And I suppose I did, but the fatigue of pregnancy seems to only kick in on the days when you need every ounce of energy possible.

We started the day with a trip to Super Target to buy groceries for the next two weeks. Pushing a cart with two kids FULL of groceries. Oh, and everyone knows about the Murphy's Law of Children, right? I changed Piper right before we left and she made lots for me to change. So, I figured I was safe to take her out without a diaper bag. Silly me. She's not my first child. I should know better. She literally exploded out of her diaper at Target. And we still had to pick up Daddy at the airport before going home!

It was so good to get Dominic home. He actually said he missed diaper changing and wanted to change her. He had no idea what he was getting into. I did, but I wasn't going to warn him!

It seems that a family member in California opened an account at a check cashing place with Dominic's name. Dominic found the card at another family members house over the weekend. His name, another family members face. Bad, bad, bad. So now we're having to look into what we have to do to protect his identity and our credit. What a pain! And to think, all this time I've been worried about what we throw away in trash!

Reagan was also having issues. Let's just say I had to do a lot of cleaning in the bathroom. And of course, I'm exhausted.

Our Tia came over for dinner and we had a wonderful time with her. We made a fire in the fireplace and enjoyed the company and the kids. It was a great night. Tia even brought us a vacuum! And she took our old one away to be fixed if possible. I don't know what we'd do without her.

We didn't get any school done today. I had hoped to finish the lessons, but our plate was over full. My son is becoming such a wonderful helper. He helped with his sister, groceries, cleaning, taking out trash, and he did it all with a smile. I don't know how long the novelty will last, but I'll take it!

Dominic has decided that he loves my blog and has me read it to him daily. Of course, to become more exciting he says I need to have "More Daddy." So I will say again that I'm married to the most amazing, wonderful, fantabulous man ever and he's the best daddy, and he's handsome, and um, that's all I can think of at the moment. But there it is, more daddy.

And now I get to curl up with Dominic. A perfect end to a busy day.

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