Thursday, May 13, 2004

Take Charge Of Your Fertility

Taking Charge of Your Fertility: The Definitive Guide to Natural Birth Control, Pregnancy Achievement, and Reproductive Health (Toni Weschler

Date: 13 November, 2001   —   $16.77   —   Book

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This is such a great book. It covers the many uses for NFP (natural family planning) and FAM (the fertility awareness method) from birth control to pregnancy achievement to knowing your body. I think every woman should read this so that they may, at the very least, understand how their bodies work and what different signs mean. I actually plan on using this method with my daughters when I teach sex education. Whether you want birth control without chemicals, are hoping to get pregnant, or just want to know yourself and be able to take charge of your health overall, you should read this book. My only problem was the authors inclusion of Planned Parenthood as a resource for women. As I've stated before Planned Parenthood is evil and must be destroyed.

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