Tuesday, July 04, 2006

4th Of July

For years, Fourth of July meant fireworks, hot dogs, and the countdown to my birthday.  For the past five years it's really meant taking care of the kids in the morning so I can go to work.  That's certainly what it was this year.

Dominic and Ciaran both got hit with the full brunt of this nasty Summer cold that's been going around our house.  And I haven't slept very well in days because my husband and teething baby were both getting sick as I was trying to get over it.

My evening was long and very busy.  But, on the up-side, it made the evening go by really quickly!

Now I need a good night's sleep.  Which is always easier said than done.  I think the kids had a good time, though.  They were up way past bedtime watching movies and enjoying eachother's company.

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