Sunday, July 16, 2006

The Annual Basso Family Camp-In

When Dominic and I got married, we really wanted ways to bring our two children together, and start traditions we could carry on.  One of the first we found was the annual camp-in.  We've done it every Summer since.  The kids look forward to it now.  Even Karina, though she's almost 14!

This year we started with a taco night for dinner.  Then we set up the bedtent on the living room floor, and a big air matress.  We watched Hoodwinked and Shrek 2 while we ate smores (made in the microwave) and popcorn.  We had a blast.  The little ones slept in the bedtent while the big ones slept on the air matress.

Here are all the kids in front of the bedtent at our camp-in:

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