Friday, May 15, 2009

My Husband Rocks!

My husband is an amazing man and I truly love him. Right now I can hear him in the other room, playing and laughing with our children. He does that. He gets on the floor and plays horsie, bounces them in his lap, tickles them, reads stories, and cuddles. He's a really great dad.

And he makes me feel that I'm a good mom. He praises what I do. He encourages me. He believes in me. When I wanted to homeschool, he was the first one to say that if anyone could do it, I could. He supports me, both in front of the kids, and when we're alone.

Even expecting our sixth child, he still rubs my belly and puts his head on it, like it's our first.

For Mother's Day, my friend S. bought me a ticket to see The Phantom of the Opera with her. It's on Tuesday evening and I'm so excited. I'm a Musical Theater geek (well, I'm all kinds of geek, but that's another story) and I haven't seen Phantom since High School. My husband was in on the surprise, and is working an earlier shift so he can come home and be with the kids while I go out for the evening.

My husband rocks for a million reasons, and every day I thank God for him.

I belong to my lover, and his desire is for me.
Song of Solomon 7:10

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