Monday, May 18, 2009

Not Me! Monday

This has been a crazy busy week in our house. But of course, you all know, I am the very picture of grace under fire, right? Don't look at me like that! Really, I am!

So, this week, since I am always on top of household chores, I did not have to double up on laundry every day to catch up. Nope! Not me! My laundry is always folded and put away in a timely manner.

And of course, my boys are always well groomed. So, for a family event on Saturday, I did not take my boys just hours before to get their hair cut because they were starting to look like wild monkey children. Nope! Not me! And I certainly did not give the stylists specific instructions for clean cut traditional cuts so that Reagan would not get a mohawk.

I did not buy Ciaran a second pair of shoes to make it easier for me to have a pair in the morning, ready to go. Nope! Not me! Since I'm so well organized and together that would be totally unnecessary.

I did not have a good old fashioned freak-out yesterday when my children emptied out some Coborn's Delivers boxes and tore the styrofoam inside to shreds on the lawn while I had been trying desperately to get our yard into shape. Nope! Not me! My children are much to angelic and well-trained to do such a thing. And of course I'm too pulled together to let something like that bother me.

Lastly, I have not been overdosing on Criminal Minds episodes on the internet. Nope. Not me! I don't think Matthew Gray Gubler is the cutest geek on TV, and I would never spend valuable time that I could use to do important things like sleeping, just so I can watch television on my laptop.

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.


  1. I love that show. It's SO scary! :)

  2. I am going to have to participate one Monday and do this!

  3. Haha - this is always good for a laugh! :)

  4. oh my goodness! I loved these ")

    Hope you are having a great week!


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