Friday, June 12, 2009

The Uplifting Blogger Award!

Thanks to Mrs. Watts of Weaving Gods Word Into Our Lives, I'm am the latest recipient of the Uplifting Blogger Award! This is an award passed from blogger to blogger to someone they feel uplifts them through their thoughts and posts. Thank you, Heather. Your gracious award made my day.

I think this is a great opportunity to remember that blogging, while being a great way for us to remember the things happening in our homes, or with our families, can also touch others in ways we may not ever realize. Right now I see the worst example of that at My Charming Kids and the story of April Rose. But great examples of it are found every day, all over the blogosphere where people are reaching out to one another. Especially in this day and age where so many of us feel isolated, blogging can be a great way to join a community and know that there are others like you out there. As a mostly stay-at-home, homeschooling mom, it's really nice to know that there are others who share my worries, struggles, and victories.

But now it's time to pass it on! And from me the award goes to.....

Becky of Golden Acorn Homeschool. Her posts about parenting, and especially homeschooling really give me back that spark of excitement that can be extinguished easily in the day to day of homeschooling. She gives me inspiration, new ideas, and generally makes me feel better about what I'm doing. And that is very uplifting.

So, here's your award, Becky:

While I'm mentioning blogs that are really encouraging me at the moment, I thought I'd take some time to give linky love to a few others:

The Garber Family ~ I've known Traci since she was...probably 11, I think. She was always an amazing person, but I'm in absolute awe of the woman she has become. She has a mother's heart, an amazing husband, and two beautiful sons. She's expecting a new baby, and it's proving to be a stressful pregnancy. She talks about family, love, her faith, adoption, her two precious baby girls lost too soon, and the new life growing within her. To see such mature faith in a woman younger than myself is humbling and inspiring.

Virtuous Living ~ L.H. is a woman in love with her husband, her family, and her Lord. She writes posts that encourage me as a wife, a mother, and a sister-in-Christ.

~ Julie is a a wife, mother, Christian, and Labor & Delivery nurse. She tells great stories about the babies she gets to help bring into the world, and about her life and family. She encourages me in every role I have, including professional. I truly believe that nursing is more than a profession, and she helps me remember why.


  1. Awwww! How sweet! Thank you! :-D

    I feel the same about your blog actually. You are so refreshingly honest. I love that!

  2. First and foremost congratulations on your award. It is so perfect for you!!! I am uplifted by you in so many ways. You have become a blessing in my life.

    Thanks so much for the kind words and linky love. I really appreciate your sweetness!


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