Monday, July 06, 2009

My Cool CON Finds

One of the best things about going to a CON, is finding things that you can't usually get elsewhere.

My husband stays home with the kids when I go, and in return I buy him shirts that speak to his interests. Namely, his favorite Sci-fi shows, or interests. This year I found him a tee-shirt that had Serenity Valley on it. The movie Serenity followed up the short-lived but still popular T.V. show Firefly. It looks like this:

I also found him a World of Warcraft tee-shirt:


I found a World of Warcraft tee for myself as well:


I also found something for the baby. Now, you have to be a gamer to appreciate it, but since we're gamers, we do!


My most exciting find was at the art show. This was my first time bidding on something and I was quite sure I wouldn't get it. This potter does beautiful work. The buy out price was $45 which is really what the piece is worth. But since bidding started much lower, I put in a $20 bid simply because I liked it so much. It's called "Bilbo's Spoon Jar" and I thought it would be beautiful in my kitchen. My husband is a Lord of the Ring's fanatic, to the point where our kids have LOTR middle names. No, I'm not kidding. And, yes, the new baby will too. I know, one more thing to tell the therapist about someday.

Anyhow, I won it! I guess this artist has been coming to CONvergence long enough that a lot of people have already gotten pieces that they wanted. So, basically it was a total steal. It's a lovely base cream color, and the writing around the edge is elvish.




  1. *grin* When Hubby went to a con (it's been awhile. . .) he brought me a wonderfully soft SIP t-shirt.

  2. Hi honey!

    I totally ganked your picture of the spoon jar to show my teacher!


  3. I really like the pretty!


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