Monday, July 06, 2009

Motivate Me Monday! Chore Planning


Doing the dishes, laundry, housekeeping, teaching, diaper changing, shopping, organizing, cleaning, and everything else that's needed to make a home run smoothly, isn't always fun. It definitely isn't easy. Especially if you look around your house and have no idea where to start.

Sometimes I plain just want to give up. Especially if I feel like my family is undoing my hard work faster than I can accomplish it. So this week I thought I'd share a new system I found for organizing housework.

I've long been a fan of the Flylady, whose system really is very effective. Sadly I seem to fall on and off the Flylady wagon, and sometimes have trouble knowing where or how to start over. So, I've been looking for something new to try.

I've found it. It's the Motivated Mom's Printable Chore List. You can download it in e-book format. For a year long planner it's $8. A small investment if you like it, and not a huge loss if you don't. They even have a couple of sample pages so you can take a look. Even better, since we're so far into 2009, you can currently try the planner for only $4!

It tells me what to do every day, and then has specific chores for each day of the week. It even has chore planners with bible readings. I'm remembering to take my prenatal vitamin and my medicine every day. I'm getting things done like, clearing out the fridge, cleaning out drawers in my kitchen, organizing my closet. It even reminds me to clip my kids fingernails. A chore I often forget.

Best thing is that if I fall off the wagon, I'll know exactly where to start when I get back on.

I'm not printing off the pages, I just check it on my computer. But it's helped so much. It's really motivating me to get ahead of the housework. And sometimes, that's the biggest challenge of all.


  1. You totally stole my Motivate Me Monday post! Stinker ;-)

  2. Thanks for this. I was just talking to my mom about making a tighter schedule that includes a chore schedule!

  3. that sounds like something i could totally use. i'm just so behind lately!

  4. I have been using MM for I think 6 years now! I love it!


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