Monday, October 10, 2011

Magical Mothering Mondays: A Mother's Touch?

Alright, so I'd started with a big long post that says basically what I've said ten different ways to Sunday.  That one of our most powerful Magical tools as a Mother, is touch.  Are you shocked, surprised, and amazed?  Me neither.

While there's a Magical side to mothering, there's a pretty mundane side too.  As I stood over the sink this afternoon frantically trying to clean poop out of Quinn's (3) shoe before getting the three littlest boys into the van to go get their sisters from school, I felt about as far from a Powerful Magical Figure as I could get.

I know that in these every day things we are to find the Magic.  And I like to be a voice of encouragement.  But some days, it is really hard.

It's Fall.  I want to be picking pumpkins and apples, and watching Brennan (2) squeal as he gets pumkin seeds all over his hands.  I want to carve Jack-O-Lanterns and jump in piles of leaves.  You know, like the moms in the pictures in the magazines and books.  The ones who aren't doing 8 loads of laundry and freaking out on their 14 year old who was just caught on the computer again when he knows he's on restriction.

Not to state the obvious or anything, but this parenting gig is way harder than it looked in the brochure.

I actually got a call while at the grocery store today that, while I was out, Bridget (7) stepped away from her homework to find out what flour tasted like.  She grabbed a handful out of the canister, ate it, and then threw up.  I wish someone had taken a picture of my face when I got that phone call.  I'm seriously telling myself that it's her brilliance and Scientific mind that made her conduct such an experiment.  I have to.  If I start thinking about the alternative, I might have to open that bottle of Chardonnay 

Maybe what's Magic about us sometimes, is that we get through the day without drinking, hurting anyone, or giving up on the whole thing.  Because while I love them fiercely and more than my own life, they sometimes make me think I'm losing my already fragile mind.

1 comment:

  1. Fantastic way to look at it! We've had some of those days recently - with slightly less bodily fluids LOL - and this was perfect for me to read today. I am a relatively new reader here and really am enjoying your blog. I am also a former Christian and now pagan mother.


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