Friday, November 25, 2011

Liam Has Surgery

He wasn't gaining much weight. He wasn't keeping much food down.  He seemed to be in pain.  And so, another ultrasound was ordered and we finally heard the words we'd hoped to avoid: Liam needed a shunt.

It was a rough week as I took him to appointments and did my best to prepare myself.  Because I have the best friends in the world, I ended up with very little alone time, and a house full of food.  Then last Friday, Liam had a successful surgery.

He and I came home on Sunday, after two days in the hospital, to find Karina home from college.  Then my parents came Monday from California. They've been here all week for an incredible visit.  I can't explain how much I enjoy watching my children spend time talking to and cuddling with their grandparents.

I may need a week to recover from Thanksgiving and from the stress of Liam's surgery.  Don't get me wrong, I'm so grateful that he is able to get the care he needs.  It's just still stressful to watch my baby have to recover from something else when I just want him to be healthy and happy.

I'm really grateful though.  Grateful for supportive family.  Grateful for friends with their casseroles, hugs, and humor.  Grateful for medical professionals who've gone so far above and beyond for my son.  Grateful for those who know what he needs and how to get it for him.

Happy Thanksgiving



  1. I am so very thankful that all is well with Liam now and that you have such a wonderful support system in place. Big hugs and lots of love to you and yours!

  2. I'm glad he got the help he needed. And that you have such a wonderful support system. Feel whatever you need to and let people take care of you when you need. :)


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