Friday, September 21, 2007

2nd Night On

I started my new shift last night and it went really well.  I was finishing up assessments that were as yet, uncompleted.  I finished the work and got to go home early.  I thought  that would mean some extra sleep for me, but it just didn't happen.  Bridget ended up sleeping with me, but not until after 1 in the morning.  It took me that long to get her to sleep.  Then Ciaran woke up inconsolable at 4 something in the morning and I ended up bringing him downstairs and letting him watch Baby Einsteins until he fell asleep on a blanket around 7.  That's when Dominic got home and I crawled back into bed for a couple more hours sleep.

So, I've cleaned the kitchen, done a load of diapers, finished school with Piper, showered, dressed and gotten all ready.  Tonight will be my second night on.  I'm tired, but still okay.  We'll see how I feel in a few more days!

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