Sunday, December 02, 2007

For All the Latest Quinn News

I started a carepage to put his updates in one place for everyone who is interested in how he's doing. He's doing really well, and we hope he'll come home very soon.

Please feel free to visit the care page and read how Quinn is doing. As for me, I'm very tired and I'm finding that I wish there were two of me. One to stay here and play with the kids and get things done, the other to be with Quinn letting him know his mommy is there. Thankfully, he's taking to breastfeeding really well, and that's one thing I can do for him that no one at the hospital can. It's one thing that makes me feel like a mother.

For me, being a mommy to a newborn means lots of physical contact, breastfeeding, and other types of bonding. The NICU is unnatural. It's disheartening to have to ask to hold or feed my own baby. But the staff is incredible and I'm so blessed to have such great care for my little guy.

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