Friday, February 19, 2010

My Life Is Busy


My life is busy.  Even if I stay home all day long, I'm busy from the minute I wake up, until the minute I close my eyes. Sometimes even that isn't the end.  My mind likes to stay busy and that can makes it hard to sleep.

Between meals, diapers, dishes, laundry, spit-up, and all the other fun things I see, I forget that I am surrounded by beauty.  Whether it's my baby's smile,  my daughter's latest dance moves, or even something as simple as a discarded yellow block, I live in a home filled with beauty, fun, and laughter.

Because beauty can be both lost and found in the mundane, I'm very excited about Project 365.  My first post was today, Feel free to check it out.  I'm at and my first photo is called "Baby Love".

This is a great chance for me to spend a bit more time getting to know my camera and what I can do with it.  It's also a chance for me to spend some time seeing my home and my life in a new way.  Instead of looking for the latest thing I need to do, I can look for the thing that's interesting, or tells a story.  The picture in this post tells a story.  It's a short story about the lengths my kids will go to in order to get their picture taken, but it's a story nonetheless.

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1 comment:

  1. This was a great post. Yesterday I was relishing the simple moments of beauty in my daily grind. The new artwork my son made for me to proudly display on the fridge and the snuggle time on the floor I had with my daughter as I read board book after board book. I'm definitely going to have to go check out that link now. You're the second person I've noticed that has mentioned it. And now it's beckoning me :-)


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