Saturday, October 25, 2003

Saturday October 25, 2003

Yesterday we only completed about half of our lessons. It was just one of those days. We recieved some paperwork regarding an upcoming hearing we have for the visitation of my step-daughter, so I got all busy taking care of some things and we just never finished.

We had started the day with Scripture reading. Matthew chapter 10. Then we read about sin in Leading Little Ones to God. Reagan had really good answers and comments and said a prayer that was very sweet.

For Language Skills he completed a handout I made with fill in the blanks. It was singular and plural nouns and verbs. No problems, beautiful handwriting.

For Spelling he completed the wordsearch I made at and had a really good time doing it. I think it was the first time he'd ever actually completed a wordsearch.

For Reading we made Jerry the Bookworm. Jerry is made from construction paper cut into circles and glued together. On each segment of his body, we have listed a book that Reagan has read. He's very proud of it.

Today we finished up his lessons. For Math, he completed a game with dice. He'd roll the dice, add the numbers, then graph the answer. The column for 8 filled up first, so 8 won. He really liked that. Anything that's a game for him is great.

Science we went over foods and what food groups they fall into. He did wonder about a few things, like yogurt. He wasn't sure what yogurt was made from, so he didn't know what group to put it in. I could understand that.

In Social Studies we again went over personal information. He's just about got his phone number, still has a bit of trouble with the area code. But he needs more work on his address. I make him say it at least 3x with me. I'm hoping he gets it soon.

Total School Time: Approx. 2 1/2 hours

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