Tuesday, November 25, 2003

Wednesday November 26, 2003

Yesterday we did do schoolwork. I just never had a change to post about it. Reagan learned about statements, practiced Spelling, did a Reading exercise (2 in fact), worked on a couple of Math pages while practicing his addition with his fingers, and went over our History lesson again.

I really like that he's learning ancient History. Yesterday he made his own "Code of Hammurabi" which included laws like, "No one should ever climb trees" and "If you hit someone you must say you're sorry, even if it was an accident." Next I'm going to have him illustrate each of his "laws" and put them together into his own book.

I have been so encouraged by the responses to my posts, and the posts of others that I'm able to read. By blogging, I'm keeping up on current events, educational trends, and the lives of others with lives like mine. I've found that I'm much more likely to keep a record of what we're doing in school when I can type it. I prefer typing to writing. Then again I type about 70 words per minute.

So, here's a thank you to anyone who takes the time to read what I write, and to those of you keeping your own journals. I really appreciate it.

Today we'll sit down to our turkey feast. We'll talk about the first thanksgiving and what we each have to be thankful for. I have many things for which to be grateful. My greatest gifts being, of course, my family.

Happy Thanksgiving!

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