Tuesday, December 02, 2003

December 2, 2003

Another first day back home. These types of days are characterized by grocery shopping, unpacking, house cleaning, laundry and a general putting off of schoolwork. I have every intention of getting to school, but there is so much to be done. This is one of the reasons I love homeschooling. We did schoolwork at Grandma and Grandpa's. We did schoolwork on the plane. We made flashcards at the airport, and read books while we waited. We have the flexibility to live life and learn at the same time.

Reagan and Piper have been re-discovering the joys of their own things and their own beds. We've seen how much our sea-monkeys have grown. I think the kids are happy to be back, but I know it was hard for Reagan to leave California. For me, my life is here now, but for him it's more difficult.

Tonight the kids listened to the CD of Peter and the Wolf, and watched the Charlie Brown Christmas movie on TV. It was just the way I remembered it. I love stuff like that.

We've one more chapter left in "The Magician's Nephew" and I'm really seeing the Christian symbolism in it. It's creating a new appreciation for C.S. Lewis in me. I think Reagan is enjoying the story, or maybe he just enjoys snuggling up with mom. Doesn't really matter to me. If it plants the seeds of reading in him, I'm happy. Even Piper sat in her crib and listened to the story.

Tomorrow I think we'll be able to get much more accomplished. I'm looking into supplementing our curriculum with Alabacus math, and a Language Arts book by Jessie Wise Bauer. If I get them, I think I'll have to wrap them and put them under the tree for myself. Christmas budgeting is tight, and I'm the one who'll be most excited about them. I remember a long long time ago, when Christmas was all about getting toys. Now, I want practical things. And somehow, I'm still just as thrilled!

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