Tuesday, December 23, 2003

December 27, 2003

What a long day! Dominic went to pick up his daughter in California and bring her back for the week. But because of holiday travel (and the fact that airline employees fly standby) he had a really hard time getting out on a flight. So, I've spent a lot of time on the phone today coordinating between Dominic's mother and his ex-wife to get Karina to the airport to meet her dad.

I'm working tomorrow night and so tonight I went through the refrigerator and figured out what we've got and what we need during the next two weeks. I'm hoping that by planning menus, and carefully planning grocery lists I'll be able to save money. Wish me luck.

The kids played most of today. I've had to remind Reagan that just because he's bigger doesn't mean he should take things from his sister without asking. Now, granted, sometimes he's taking away something that he shouldn't have. But he's still working on taking things without acting like the boss. We're really big on respect in our house, and we all need to respect eachother. Even when we're taking things away. It's a tough lesson for a six-year-old.

Well, dh and step-daughter will be here at 6 am and I have to get up, get the kiddos up, and go get them. So, it's off to bed for me!

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