Thursday, December 04, 2003

December 4, 2003

This morning began with another water emergency! I took a shower and was getting ready to go to a morning meeting, when the u-pipe underneath my sink sprung a leak and soaked everything in my cabinet. Maintenance returned again to fix it. They're going to think I just like having them around.

I made it to my meeting about a half an hour late, but we were still able to get some business done. It seems like an exciting challenge in homeschooling awaits us. But I'll discuss it when it happens.

Reagan and I had lunch with my Minnesota Twin and her kiddos before returning home to let Dominic go to work with the car. And it turns out that there aren't any washer/dryers available right now, and we're using the one in our old apartment down the hall until they get a new one!

Reagan and I finally got down to school at about 4 p.m. We covered Religious Ed., Language Arts, Math (we used the flashcards we made) and Science. Our Science experiment was a success and we could see how the blue food dye had worked it's way up the whole celery stalk. Maybe now we can move onto seeds.

Reagan started making his "Code of Hammurabi" book. But he'd been doing so much writing during his lessons that he was tired, and I let him stop before completing it.

Today's lack of accomplishment evens out yesterday, I think. And, of course, our obnoxious colds continue. Oh, we've had developments in our sea-monkey tanks also, which is a source of endless wonder for Reagan.

We finished the "Magician's Nephew" tonight, and now I understand about the Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. I know I got a deeper meaning from the story than Reagan did, but I'm okay with that. I really think that the time spent together reading and playing is just as important as the time that we spend actually studying.

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