Monday, December 08, 2003

December 8, 2003

Today we did all six subjects included in his lesson plan, plus religious ed. I'm so proud of us. I keep noticing that Reagan is having trouble with Math concepts. I myself am struggling a bit to make understandable something that seems so simple to me. He has trouble relating a number on a page to a concrete amount. I really need to get him an abacus. My sister recommended word problems as they automatically associate the numbers with actual objects. And he can relate to the problem that way, but it doesn't help him at all in finding the answers. We're practicing a lot with flashcards at the moment.

The kids have played well today, but Piper is still not herself. Today is a Holy Day of Obligation in the Catholic Church as it is the Feast of the Immaculate Conception. But I'm with the kids all day, and I can't take Piper to Mass as she is. So, we are honoring the day here at home tonight by talking about what the day means. Reagan's heart is so open to God, and I love watching him learn.

We bought more salt to make more play-doh, and Reagan is chomping at the bit to get started, and we've got cookie dough that is begging to be baked. So it should be a fun evening at home tonight.

Oh, and I'm so excited that Piper has discovered the joys of being read to. She brings me "Telletubbies Christmas" at least 4x a day. And her other favorites at the moment are The Mickey Mouse Book and The Ewoks Join the Fight, which I'm sure is her showing off the geek nature she must have inherited from her father and me. How many 1 year-olds already like Star Wars? Sure, there are these teddy-bear-like creatures in the book, but I think she's really a sci-fi/fantasy geek at heart. Before I know it there will be Star Trek conventions and running off to the Renaissance Faire. And I'll have no one to blame but myself.

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