Saturday, December 13, 2003

NEA Fears

We finished the weeks lessons yesterday with a great deal of success. Reagan finished his "Code of Hammurabi" and we had two very successful Math lessons. Taking on the education of my children has been a challenge that is not without rewards. Reagan was so proud of understanding the Math that we learned. I was excited to be there when he really understood it for the first time.

The new group that I have been working on is getting off it's feet, and I am excited by the new prospects and adventures that lie ahead. I so enjoy being around other mothers who have the same intense desire for their children's well-being. We decided to stick with a name that showed our geographical location as opposed to our religious faith. We're hoping to be inclusive.

I have run across so many articles lately regarding homeschooling that have ticked me off. There is a great distrust among some in our culture. While saying that they promote diversity and tolerance, they seek to shut down any who don't believe as they do. The more I read the more I become convinced absolutely that I am doing the right thing for my family by educating my children myself. In one article NEA Fights to Maintain School Monopoly I learned that the NEA would like to seek regulations to " forbid parents from teaching their children unless they are "licensed by the appropriate state education licensure agency" and use "a curriculum approved by the state department of education." " and that there should be "early childhood education programs in the public schools for children from birth through age eight." That's not a misprint; it does say "from birth." "! Birth? Oh my gosh!

Why let me take home my baby at all? Why not take the child from me at birth and raise it in an institution where it can be properly "socialized" and educated about all of the things that the NEA believes are vital to the growth and development of a properly reared child?

Sure, I may be pretty high on my soap-box at the moment, and exaggerating slightly, but I really get the feeling that there are people in this country who don't trust parents at all.

I don't have a college degree. I could have gotten one but I chose not to. I didn't graduate from High School, I took the GED before going to a vocational school to become a nurse. But I do know my children. I didn't take on their education lightly. I've read just about anything I could get my hands on. I've worked with my son to determine his learning style. I work daily to develop and structure my son's curriculum to meet his particular needs. I make sure that he has adequate time with other children of all ages with whom he can play and enjoy being a child. While not trying to put-down higher learning, I would like to point out that a degree on the wall does not make you intelligent. My learning style is auto-didactic. I prefer and excel when teaching myself. I don't think that can or should be measured. And I resent the implication that because I chose a different path for my life that I am less than qualified to teach my children.

In our home we teach Religion. We are a pro-life family, and that will be part of our teaching. We will instill our beliefs and ideals, and will raise children who will be different than what groups like the NEA would like to see. I'm hoping that we will raise free-thinkers who will be able to use logic and reason to defend their own beliefs.

I do not want to teach the public school curriculum. I do not want to have to jump through unnecessary hoops in order to be the mother to my children that I was called to be and am ordered to be by my faith. And I don't think in this country of tolerance and freedom, that ANYONE has the right to tell me where my children should be or how they should learn.

Okay, I'm getting down from the box now. A little angrily, perhaps, but I'm getting down.

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