Monday, January 26, 2004

January 26, 2004

The boys had a wonderful weekend in California. They stayed with my parents and really enjoyed their time with Karina. Reagan and Karina were wonderful to each other. They came home laden with Christmas presents. I received 2 place settings of my every day dishes (which I love) and I can't believe how excited I am to have more dishes in the cabinet. When did I become such an adult? I can comfort myself with the knowledge that some things don't change. A pound of See's candy that was sent home didn't last long at all!

I had informed J. two weeks ago that Reagan would be available over the weekend. And Reagan called his cell phone when they arrived. J. waited until Sunday, however, to return the call. He wanted to take Reagan for the afternoon and for dinner with his mom. Normally that would have been fine. But with the preterm labor, I really needed the boys to come home Sunday evening. And they were set to leave to catch their plane about an hour after J. called. Well, Dominic offered to change flights and all, really wanting to Reagan to have time with J. But I put my foot down. I'd given him two weeks notice of the visit and a phone call when he got there. They needed to come home. J. was actually very understanding. And I promised that we'd be back out with Reagan as soon as baby comes. I'm really willing to work with him, but he's got to take some of the responsibility for scheduling visits. With us and planes and all, sometimes we can't be as flexible as we'd like.

Piper and I had a really quiet weekend at home. I had always thought that Piper wasn't as sleepy a kid as her big brother. But without big brother to wake her up in the morning or be making noise in the other room at naptime, she slept a lot more. I was really able to catch up on rest, which I needed.

Even MORE off the topic of homeschooling...I wanted to talk about a program that I found out about with my friend who lost her baby. In the hospital she was given a beautiful bear from a non-profit organization called Sara's Smile, Inc. The couple who started Sara's Smile lost their daughter and wanted to give something to grieving parents that they could take home, cuddle, love, and cry with. Since they had called their daughter Sara bear they decided teddy bears were the way to go.  This bear has already been a source of incredible comfort to my friend, who pretty much hasn't let go of hers since she left the hospital. They can't give away all of these bears for free, though they wish they could. They request a donation of $8 per bear. If anyone feels so moved, Sara's Smile needs donations. If you can give even a few dollars, it may help a grieving mother more than you can know. Check out their website, it's really beautiful.

It's snowed all day here, and tomorrow we get back into our schoolwork. The world keeps turning, even when it seems that everything has been turned upside down. I may never understand why such things happen. But I have faith in my Creator that all things will eventually be worked out to His Glory. Thank you again to everyone who has prayed for my friend and her family. We can rest in the knowledge that baby Grace is whole and beautiful in Heaven. And her mother and father will be with her one day.

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