Saturday, January 03, 2004

January 3, 2004

We did school today! I think I might have found something that will work for us. Since we had a lot of time today, I set a timer for 30 minutes per subject. If we finished one days lesson in that subject we moved on to the next one. Some subjects Reagan works really quickly in. We got a lot accomplished. Now, when we work again we'll have less to finish for the week. We'll just keep doing 30 minutes per subject until that subject is completed. Then we'll devote the time to the subjects that need it more. I think it might help us stay on track.

I'm also finding ways to bring his educational computer games in for additional help. Especially with Math he's a visual learner. This way he can SEE the Math and I don't have to spend hundreds of dollars on expensive manipulatives. I'm really becoming quite computer dependent. I get all kinds of wonderful ideas and suggestions, not to mention moral support from the internet.

My kids made me crazy today. Hey, it can't be perfect all the time, right? Piper is convinced that there is nothing more important in the world than her being held when she wants to be. I'm very scared about what this will mean when a new baby is added to the mix. I hope I'll be able to take time to reassure her that she's still just as important to me. Reagan thought it would be a good idea to push his older sisters buttons. He actually made her cry he was bothering her so much. She has been well enough trained by her peers that tattling is bad. On the other hand, if it's a situation she can't handle, she needs to come and ask for help. The kids usually have a good time together, but too much togetherness.... Oh well, it's bound to happen. Reagan had to write "I will be nice to my sister" about 20 times. I know it's old fashioned, but highly effective. He hates that kind of repetition and it makes him a very nice boy. I think his behavior tonight might also have had something to do with her going home. He really wanted her to stay and maybe this was his way of taking that out on her. Of course, I may just be over analyzing.

I took Dominic and Karina to the airport tonight, and they will make their way back to the big state of California. Dominic will be back tomorrow. I know it's tough for him to see her go, but her visit has been really wonderful. I think he was very happy with it. I know she was.

As for me, I'm feeling a lot like a hermit. The nesting instinct has hit me so hard, I'm shocked. I really don't want to go anywhere. I just want to be at home where I can clean, organize, and crochet baby blankets for all the other expectant moms there are at the moment. I really really don't think I have another 9 weeks in me. Well, it's off to rest.

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