Saturday, April 17, 2004

California Again

Sunday morning we woke up bright and early to get packed and get on a plane back to sunny Southern California. We got in around 1 pm. Reagan's Nanna picked him up at 4. We picked Karina up at 7. Everyone was exhausted by 10.

The next couple of days we spent enjoying each others company and visiting. We saw Bridget's God-mother and her new husband, and my sister and brother-in-law. It was such a good time. Karina brought her guitar and we sang praise and worship songs. We did the kind of things that really make us feel like a family.

We came home on Wednesday, getting in at 11 pm. We didn't actually get home until after 12, and didn't get to bed until after 1! Then we woke up this morning at 6 to take Dominic to work and to go to our field trip at the fire station.

The fire station was great. The firemen put on their gear, talked about fire safety and let the kids climb all over their truck. They were a hazmat team and had lots of information for the kids. Piper loved the fire truck. I had a hard time getting her off of it. The newest mom in our group is such a blessing. Piper really likes her and she seems to have a way with my daughter.

There should be new pictures on our family website from the baptism and our trip. So, check them out if you get the urge.

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