Monday, April 12, 2004

The Nature Center

Today was such a busy day! We started with a trip to the Mall of America to check out the Motherhood store and get a couple of tops that didn't have long sleeves. I'm getting to the point where I'd really like to wear shirts that don't make me sweat like I'm running a marathon. I got a few and they all fit great, and God love the Motherhood store. SO, on to our next outing, the Nature Center. It was fabulous. I really like my new support group. It's shaping out nicely and it's such a great group of women. The kids are all great and listen to directions. I'm having such a blast. Next week we're going to the fire station. FUN! At the Nature Center we saw a muskrat. HOMEWORK: Find out what the heck a muskrat is besides part of the title of a song my husband likes. From the Nature Center we hit the grocery store so I could get something I forgot when I went Monday, and then back home for lunch and naps. I felt as if I'd been hit with the sleepy stick and about passed out. I love having a baby that will take naps with me. In the afternoon we completed the weeks lessons and I felt very productive. Kind of a nice change.

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