Sunday, June 20, 2004

Work and Home?

Okay, I think there is a reason that men should go out and concentrate on working and the women should stay home and focus on keeping the house running smoothly. I have worked the last three days then come home and tr4ied to manage the home in the evening. It's EXHAUSTING! I don't know how women work 40 hour work weeks, do housework, and take care of the kids. I just don't.

I love being a nurse, caring for people, helping to plan ways to allow people to function at their optimal level, especially the elderly. But I throw myself into shifts, I work hard, and I'm pooped at the end of the day.

On top of that, my step-daughter is 11, sweet, and uber-hormonal, we've got a baby, and Piper is 2! I can't keep this up. Bridget has been cranky since I've gone to work and I have her in the sling at the moment hoping that some close time with mommy will help. I don't like the effect it's having on the kids.

I do like the job though. I feel so good about what I'm doing and where I'm working. Long life is a blessing, and I intend to use all the phases of mine. Perhaps nursing full time is in my future.

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