Sunday, July 18, 2004

Happy Birthday To Me

Well, another birthday has come. Yes, I AM 21 now, how kind of you to notice! Okay, okay, I'm 27. Still young! No, I'm not worried about getting older. But working with the elderly has taught me one thing. It's not for the timid.

Last night when I came home from work Dominic had a CD all ready for me. On it he played the guitar and sang, "Even though we 'aint got money, I'm so in love with 'ya honey" it was so sweet. After the song, each of the kids took turns saying I love you, happy birthday, and telling me why they think I'm great. Reagan, of course, is always most influenced by food, and named my cooking as my best feature. I keep telling Dominic that I don't need fancy gifts. I made a choice between a lifestyle and a family, and I chose the family. I'm perfectly happy with that choice. I think I'm pretty low maintenance. After the CD ended I went in to show my husband my appreciation. He looked up at me and said, "Can't we just cuddle?" I about peed my pants I laughed so hard. "Of course we can, honey" was my reply. I know what it's like being home with the kids all day and being tired. So I had a wonderful cuddle with my man.

Today we went for lunch at the Chinese buffet, which is always a treat. Then Karina and I took off for Victoria's Secret to spend my gift certificates. You know, I'm not a size two, and I don't believe I should try to stuff my body into such a size. So, while I'd planned on comfy jammies, I settled for pretty cosmetics which made me feel good also. Karina and I had a blast shopping. I even picked her up a lip gloss. Tonight we're having pizza (I'm SO not cooking on my birthday) and having our camp in. I've allready set up the bed tent in the living room and the kids are watching "The Haunted Mansion."

This is a great birthday.

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