Saturday, July 10, 2004

Summertime Fun

What a fabulous day! Our homeschooling group went on a wonderful trip to the farm and went berry picking. I can't believe how cheap a bucket of strawberries were! The kids got to sample raspberries, white and red currants, and the sweetest strawberries I've ever tasted. After picking (and eating, with the farmers permission of course!) we sat down under shady trees by the lake and had a picnic. The kids played beautifully together and I was struck again by what a wonderful group of women we have. We have all different parenting styles, beliefs, etc. But we totally come together with our children and find we have so much in common. They have been a tremendous support to me. I highly recommend this activity, it makes for wonderfully sleepy kids. Oh, and the pancakes with strawberries we had tonight weren't bad either!

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