Saturday, August 07, 2004

I Really Hate Cancer

On the last test of the last lymph node that they removed from my mom, they found microscopic cancer cells. This necessitates another surgery to remove more nodes so as to determine if there is possible metastasis. Cancer sucks! I'm so over the cancer in the family. Really, I'm just done. And so is my mom! Heck, I finally really like her. Cancer and I are going to have some very ugly words if it chooses to stick around. There may also be some crying involved, and no one likes it when I cry.

On a lighter note, Piper poo poo'd and pee pee'd in the potty today. And Bridget pee pee'd twice. I'm so proud! Especially of Piper who is really coming along.

I'm off to sleep a bit. I'm working tonight.

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