Saturday, August 07, 2004


First of all, I offer an appology to those on my mailing list. I'm in the process of transfering the posts from my old blog to this one and apperantly it sends out a new e-mail for each one. Just a couple more days and I'll be finished, I swear.

Bridget (with whom we are attempting baby potty training) went once on the potty yesterday and has gone twice today. I've got that she goes after waking up, but I'm having trouble catching on to her other patterns. Wish us luck!

Piper (with whom I'm attempting toddler potty training) went for the first time last night on her potty. She likes her potty and would often sit on it, but do nothing. Yesterday I put her in underpants which she wet once. She didn't like it, which is new. In the past when I'd taken off her diaper she'd just go anywhere paying little attention to what was happening. I was hoping that disliking the feel of wet pants might make a difference. Then, last night she sat on her potty, without promting, and read a book. When I told her it was time to go to bed, I looked in her potty and SHE'D PEE PEE'D! Mommy was so proud, as was Reagan! We sang, we hugged, we gave cookies, it was fabulous. She was really happy too.

As I was writing this Piper said Pee Pee, so I took her into her potty and she went again! I think we've turned a corner in this whole process. Wish us luck!!

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