Wednesday, August 18, 2004

Like A Truck

One of the decidedly negative aspects of working nights is the feeling that I was hit by a small truck the next day. I was tired when I went into work last night. By 5 am I was nodding off while charting. I had to take a 10 minute break and put my head down so that I could at least give my batteries a little boost.

Thank goodness I have nice kids. They happily played in their room this morning for over 2 hours while I slept and then I napped again with the girls this afternoon. I have noticed that I can be a bit more annoyed than usual about things after working all night. For example: I wanted my netflix to come today, and it didn't! That's annoying. I hoped Reagan's curriculum would come today, and it didn't! That's annoying. The kids would rather have a slightly grumpy mom who doesn't take it out on them, than a mom who works all day, right? I think so. If I was at work I wouldn't have seen Piper take off all her clothes and run around singing all she can of the tellytubbies theme song! I would have missed Piper laughing at Reagan making faces at her. I would have missed Reagan reading the long version of Bambi for the first time. I suppose the way we're doing things is a little tricky, but I wouldn't trade my days with my kids for anything!

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