Tuesday, August 24, 2004

The Summer Goes By

We did our Weekly Home Blessing Hour this morning, and Reagan is a big help. We really were done in less than an hour. Piper was really cute watching Barney. She knows all of the dances and loves to sing along. Bridget was good, sitting in her swing and playing sweetly while Reagan and Mommy cleaned.

I'm really ready for Reagan's Curriculum to get here! We've been doing things that are educational, but I'm ready to dive in to a new year. The Olympics have been great for Geography. We look up countries in our Scholastic World Atlas when we see one's we don't know. Then we learn about the population and the culture. It's a low key activity, but educational nonetheless.

As I look over my mostly clean home, and my sweet kids, I get an overwhelming sense of accomplishment. I'm so proud of them! Now if we can just get into that house...

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