Tuesday, September 20, 2005

3rd Grade Week 2

I'm really loving the lesson plans that came with this year's CHC curriculum. The lesson plans are divided into four day weeks. Their idea being that you have one day for child led/family learning that doesn't involve formal lessons. But with our wacky schedule that works out really well!

So, here was our week:

Math: Continued with a review of addition and subtraction. Reviewed key words in word problems. Completed pp. 9-16.

Language Arts:

  1. Spelling: Short vowels "i" and "u". Reagan received 100% on his final Spelling Test. Actually he received 100% on his pre-test and so didn't get a final test.

  2. Grammar: More review of sentence structure.

  3. Reading: He continued in his book, which included vocabulary and reading comprehension questions. He also continued reading his independent book on which his first book report will be based.

Religion: We went through a couple more chapters dealing with the Eucharist. I also went to the fist Sacramental prep meeting at church. I'm very pleased. I don't have to put him in the Wednesday night classes as we are homeschoolers (I think we're the only ones in the Parish) but I will need to bring him for special prep-sessions. He will be making his first Reconciliation in November and then First Communion this Spring. It should be a very exciting year!

Science: We've continued in botany, and are really enjoying it! But the next experiment started week 3, so I'll post about it then.

Social Studies: We continued our tour of Canada, and learned about the Yukon and the Gold Rush. Reagan's favorite part was "Dead Horse Trail". He's such a boy! And of course I mean that in the best possible way. He's really fun to watch. He also continued working in his Map Skills book.

Poetry: He learned his second memory gem. They're each about four lines, and are good little proverbs.

I literally love watching him learn. It feels so good to see that light go on, and see when he's proud of himself.

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