Sunday, October 23, 2005

Baby Ciaran

At my perinatologist's appointment on Wednesday, I got a little 4D look at Ciaran. Of course, he simply refused to move his arm. So this is the look I got.

I could really see him. I could see his ear, his cheek, his little fist and arm. I wanted to reach into the picture and pick him up, move his little arm and kiss him. Honestly, I love this child so much, I could just eat him up!

I wonder if all mothers think that?

Anyway. By my calculations I should be 28 weeks pregnant today. By my doctors calculations I should be 29 weeks pregnant today. By Ciaran's measurements, he's just over 30 weeks today. He's just growing and growing and growing. I'm a little afraid of birthing him at this point!

Still, nothing could be better than seeing him grow big and strong inside of me, and knowing that he's okay. God willing he will be part of our family in just a few more weeks.

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