Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Anne Needs

Thanks to Jennfurr for this funny sort-of meme!

Go to whatever search engine you like. search for "(yourname) needs". post 10 of them.

Here are mine:
Anne needs a job.
Anne needs a group of at least 6 people. (What on earth will I do with them?!?)
Anne nees a room. (Maybe a padded one)
Anne needs your support. (I could be running for office)
Anne needs your prayers. (As always!)
Anne needs to be where the action is! (I had NO idea!)
Anne needs help, and so do others.
Anne needs to keep as fit as possible. (That has been a problem)
Anne needs open lines for communication.
Anne needs a pretty street.

I don't have small needs, I have big ones! This made me laugh very hard and was the most fun I've had today!

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