Last night I went with friends to our local homebirth meetup. It was meet the midwives night. I don't know what I liked most, the attitudes of the women, or the rebirth of my dream. I've always dreamed of having a homebirth with a midwife, and that group really made it seem possible again. Definitely something to consider when/if another Basso makes his/her arrival. Which is not now! This is not an announcement post, honest!
Today was just another day, really. I got up and made bacon and eggs, and got everyone dressed and fed. It was lovely. Reagan and I finished cleaning the kids' room. Then we played.
Lunchtime came and the girls went to bed. Then Reagan worked on schoolwork, and I got a little World of Warcraft time in.
This evening we took Daddy lunch at work. Then the kids and I came home and made dinner. Afterwards we played, and the evening has now wrapped up with kids in bed and me getting ready to follow.
It's been a very normal day, actually. Which is nice. I think I need more of these.
Off to work in the morning, and then I have the weekend.
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