Wednesday, June 07, 2006


Last night was so much fun!  We had a paid babysitter here for the first time in a very long time, because we were going out on a date.  Some friends had generously offered to take us to see Riverdance, and since I've wanted to see it for years now, and we like this couple very much, we took them up on the offer.

So, we drove to downtown Minneapolis and saw the show at the Orpheum theatre.  It was incredibly well done.  I have to give a lot of credit to a cast that is traveling all the time, and performing all the time, and yet still makes it look fresh and new.  Not a step appeared to be missed.  The dancers, and the musicians were skilled and a joy to watch and listen to. 

When we came home, the house was in order, all the kids were in bed, and all was well.  It was great.  This morning Reagan told me that they'd all gone to bed and stayed there because the babysitter had said, "No talking".  Well, why didn't I think of that?  I always try to tell them what I want them to do, as opposed to what I don't want them to do.  Thus I say, "Be quiet and stay in bed" instead of "No talking or running around".  And what do I get for my psychological care?  That I should tell them, "No talking".  I just had to laugh.

In the end, I'm just so happy I got an evening out wth my husband.  We had a great time, at a wonderful show, with really nice people.  It was great fun.

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