Saturday, December 23, 2006

Winter Wonderland

We are officially on Christmas Vacation. Well, really Reagan is. I have to work this weekend.

But I have suspended lessons for the next week to let him enjoy the holiday. When we start up again, he'll have to finish his essay on "Who is your favorite Superhero, and why" but until then he can contemplate his answer. Reagan needs to work on essay writing and I thought a topic about something he has a passion for would motivate him to really write. He needs to organize and clarify his thoughts and often to expand upon a point. He's gotten good at repeating the question and stating the same thing several ways, but that's not really what I'm looking for. Come to think of it, this might be a good time to teach about clustering....hmmm.

But I digress!

We had our first snow yesterday and the kids had a blast! They put on snowsuits, heavy coats, snow boots, mittens, and hats, but it didn't seem too cold out to me. They built their first snow man in the front yard, and a snow fort in the back. They threw snowballs at each other and the neighbor children until they're cheeks were flaming pink and they just had to come inside. The Christmas tree is up, the presents are wrapped, and all there is left to do now is drink hot chocolate and wait for Santa Clause. This is my favorite time of year, and I can't wait for Christmas morning.

Let it snow!

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