Thursday, January 18, 2007

A Hamster Potty

As a parent, I think one of my most constant sources of amusement is seeing my children try to accomodate new ideas and make them work with what they already know.  Today was a perfect example.  We've been working with Bridget for a while on potty training and using her big sister as a source of assistance.  Piper makes a great teacher on how to be a big girl.  And it has the added benefit of encouraging Piper to act grown-up and responsible.

So, going on the potty has become something that Piper feels quite knowledgable about.  She came to me this afternoon very concerned.

Piper: Mommy, Max [our hamster] poopied in his cage.
Me: Yes, Piper, hamsters do that.
Piper: He should poopoo in the potty.
Me: You know, Piper, hamsters don't really poopoo in the potty.
Piper: We should get him a potty!
Me: Well, Piper, I don't think a potty would fit in Max's cage.
Piper, looking quite exasperated with me: Well, we'll get him a hamster potty! [I think there was a highly implied "duh" unspoken after the sentence ended]

So, Piper understands that really the only proper place to make poopoo is the potty, and she thinks it's disgusting to poopoo in the cage, so as far as she's concerned, a hamster potty is the way to go.  Sadly, I think home depot is all out of hamster potties.  I don't think I can do it, and I don't think they can show me how.
I told Piper I'd think about it.  Thankfully that made her happy.  I love my daughter, but an argument over why the hamster couldn't have his own potty didn't seem like a fun way for me to spend the next ten minutes.

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