Thursday, January 04, 2007


I would like to start by saying that I have tremendous friends. My friends are the kind of people who sent money after Sarah died and we didn't have money to buy her a headstone. My friends are the kind of people whom I could call at 2 am if I needed, and are there at a moments notice. And I don't want to discount the amazing women that I am privileged to call friend.

That said, I want to give a very public thank you to someone that I never realized would become such a friend. Thank you Hilby, for the cards in the mail when I'm feeling discouraged, or to congratulate me on some excitement in our lives. Thank you for Cinnamon Bun lip gloss last Christmas, and for the excitement I felt this Christmas when I received a little package from you, hoping it would be more of the same. As I sit here inhaling my Crumb Berry Pie lip gloss, one of those luxuries I adore but would never buy for myself, I am grateful for a true girlfriend who is more than just a lip gloss buyer, but a Sister in Christ, and a kindred spirit.

I hope the next year brings you joy. You have my friendship and my prayers with you, wherever you go.

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