Monday, February 05, 2007

Homeschooling Potty Training

As Bridget is nearing her third birthday, Dominic and I decided (okay it was really mostly me) that it was time to get serious about potty training her.  I've looked at all kinds of different approaches to this topic, and decided the best one for us was simply to put her in underpants, take her to the bathroom as often as she wanted (while suggesting it frequently), and putting up with accidents until she got it.  For us the consistency is the hardest part.  Cleaning up messes on top of the other necessary chores in a home with a big family, sometimes feels like too much.  The temptation to throw on a diaper and put potty training off until next week is great.  But we've been doing it, consistently.

Bridget wears a pull up to bed at night ,and underwear from morning until bedtime.  And there have been a lot of accidents.  Still, over the last few days I've noticed an increased desire to use the bathroom, and a couple of times she asked to go right before she went in her pants.  I was thinking that she was getting close to understand the body signals and the necessary action.  Tonight, I have been informed, while I was at work, Bridget went to the bathroom twice and performed both duties!  I'm so proud of her.  I don't know that she is 100% potty trained now, but it's a huge step in the potty training journey.

What's wonderful about being a homeschooling family, is that homeschooling isn't just something that's done from 9-3 at the kitchen table over books.  It's something that's done by everyone, throughout the day.  Reagan helped by taking Bridget to the bathroom, and sitting with her.  Piper took Bridget to the bathroom to demonstrate the skill.  We all talked about it, we all participated.  Bridget is being taught about how to use the bathroom just as Reagan is being taught basic algebra or Piper is being taught letter sounds.   When Bridget finally understands her new toileting abilities, she will have learned something that was taught to her at home and by her whole family.  When you homeschool, the entire family is deeply involved with one another and with seeing each other succeed whether it be riding a two wheeled bicycle or understanding Shakespeare.
With all the challenges we face when we homeschool, I can't think of anything more rewarding than the bonds my children will have because they have learned together.

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