Friday, April 27, 2007

A New Addition

Well this was quite a morning.

I woke up this morning and it's 10 dpo (days post ovulation).  I read somewhere about someone who only tested on even dpo, so I thought I'd try that this month.  I didn't expect it to be positive, but I'm kind of obsessive when I know it's possible so, I grabbed an Equate and headed into the bathroom.  I took the test and sat it on my lap watching the color wash up over it.  I noticed a gray line first and thought it was another evap.  I expected to finish watching it, take a picture and go put it on the computer, blow it up and invert the colors just to make sure it was a negative (did I mention I'm weird about taking pregnancy tests?).  But the line seemed to get a bit darker, and the thought suddenly occurred to me that this might not be a negative!  The line got darker and darker and it then hit me that this was a positive, and much darker than I'd had with Ciaran's pregnancy.  That seems so odd since it was a snow white negative two days ago, but I guess those were important days!  Here's the picture:

So I went upstairs and took it's picture.  I was playing around with it at the computer and Dominic noticed that I seemed pretty happy.  I tried to enjoy the few minutes where I was the only person who knew, because I can never keep pregnancy a secret, except from my parents.  I'm a dork like that.

I had Dominic stand up and I gave him a  hug and told him how much I love him.  He asked if it was a very good dream I had.  I told him "We're pregnant" and he was very happy.  Even made me breakfast.  It was really sweet.  He's nervous, as I think he will be always after losing Sarah, but happy.

I took the kids over to a friend's house today and we had a picnic in the backyard with all the kids (including nice neighbors) and talked, ate, and watched the kids be wonderful.  It was great.

Now I have pizza from Papa Murphey's for dinner (I'm having a salad), and all in all, it's been a really good day.  My poor little moppets need baths and an early bedtime I think.  They played really hard and didn't sleep long enough in the car.

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