Monday, August 20, 2007


I like having music on in the house while we go through our day.  In fun times when we're all playing/working I like happy kid music like Laurie Berkner .  For more mellow times or while we're doing school, I prefer classical music and have found a good radio station that

plays a variety of things.

But I've been in such a mood for Celtic music lately.  I have quite a bit that I've collected over the years and put on my iPod (with the

exception of my favorite Solas cd that I'm pretty sure my wonderful

husband has in his possession), but I'm in the mood for something new.  So I downloaded The Celtic Lounge.  With various artists it gives me a chance to listen to some new people and takes care of my craving for some new music as well.  I know what we'll be listening to at lunch!


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