Friday, August 31, 2007

Reagan's Open House

Reagan's Open House was last night and he and I went and took Piper with us.  We heard a presentation from the Principle and Assistant Principle and walked around the school.  We checked out his classroom and met his teacher who seems very nice and had a lot of good books in her classroom.  I signed up to volunteer and am looking forward to helping in his classroom.  Wherever he learns I plan to be involved.

In the evening after dinner out, we dropped him off at school and let him walk home.  It took him about 10 minutes and he was so proud of himself.  He's talking about riding his bike to school and is really excited about having a locker, and playing in the gym.  He'll start Tuesday with Physical Education, so he'll get pretty quick if he really likes it!

I have mixed feelings.  I'm proud of his achievements.  I'm excited that he's excited.  At the same time, I have loved him being with us, and will miss him all day.  I'm a bit anxious for him as well.  I want him to succeed and get from school what he wants and needs.  I think that school is the best place for him right now, but I'd still like to keep him home anyway.  Mostly I'm happy and excited for him though.  At least this minute! 

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